Contemplative prayer is pure gift.
Although contemplation is pure gift - you cannot prepare for it nor summon it - the saints acknowledge that you can make yourselves more open to such prayer. St. Teresa of Avila recommends that you slow down your normal processes, try to keep your mind from wandering by saying a few simple words. Some writers recommend: "Jesus, I love you", or the Jesus prayer: "Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy upon me, a sinner". Teresa says, be aware that you are in God's presence. Think about His love. Then words fall away in the pure receptivity of contemplation. You should not strive to cease from thought, although this may happen for a short time. You should abandon yourself into the arms of Love and occupy yourself with thanksgiving.
St. Teresa of Avila, The Interior Castle, The Fourth Dwelling Place, chp. 3, no.7.