The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." Mark 6:30-31
After a very hectic, busy day, whether meeting deadlines at work or caring for children or others, Jesus says to you, "Come away to a deserted place and rest a while". Accept that welcome invitation.
This invitation is offered every day. This is the time to turn to the Lord for prayer. It is a time of resting in God and this time will refresh you and draw you closer to Him like nothing else.
Our prayer meeting at our parish is every Monday night. Sometimes we are so tired and it is dark and since it is Washington, it is rainy and often Sister and I do not want to go. But we go and the same loyal people are there every Monday evening. Our prayer group is called "Joy in the Lord" and we sing praises to God, share a reading from scripture and share our experiences, answered prayer that had occurred during the week. And we come home, so refreshed!
Our parish also has Perpetual Adoration, where someone is always before the exposed Blessed Sacrament - the Consecrated host that is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Another time that is special with you and God that refreshes your soul, your being.
Take 20 minutes a day to be with Jesus. You don't have to talk the entire time. Prayer is not just talking with God, it is having a conversation. It is about listening as well. It may be a simple "Our Father" while sitting in the back yard, or reading a part of the Bible. Listen to His whisper in your mind or heart. He speaks to us through the Word of the Bible - a passage means something special to us. He speaks to our mind - and we just know that thought is from Him. This time will soon become the most cherished time of the day.