Forgiveness is not saying that it didn't matter - it did matter! The person was rude or down right mean to you. And you didn't deserve it! You are a child of God and special.
Forgiveness is not saying that you weren't hurt - you were hurt! Some people have been hurt physically by others. Physical abuse is rampant in our society. And there is verbal and mental abuse as well. Put down jokes are the norm - and they hurt the spirit - they wound the heart - yes, they destroy relationships.
Some men do not acknowledge that they were hurt - they do not want people to know they married an abusive woman - so the statistics are higher that women are more abused than men - but men also are hurt and have to forgive.
Remember, when we are hurt, Jesus told a visionary, that He is right there - He is the one hurt. He knows your pain.
Forgiveness is not a pardon - a governor may pardon a prisoner because he is very sick or because evidence has come in saying he is not guilty - but that is not forgiveness.
Forgiveness is not forgetting - good grief, some have been so hurt that they wouldn't have a memory if they forgot all their injuries.
Forgiveness is not dismissing payment or justice for something done against you. A person could break your window, and you forgive him, but you still ask for payment for the broken window.
Forgiveness is an act of the will - to desire to forgive as the Lord has taught. Forgiveness may require asking God to help you forgive. I know some have been hurt so bad, that I think it is humanly impossible to forgive - but if that is the case, ask God to forgive for you - and to give you help to forgive.
". . . give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive others who have trespassed against us. . . "